Thursday 11 November 2004

We are a multicultural nation

I remember a time when sashimi was taboo, lemon chicken was exotic, curry was for the brave and to have italian was to be "way" out there. My how times have changed.

I had lunch at the subi markets food court, and while i dug into some bavarian food (ie. meat patty, bacon, sauce, salad on a turkish roll), i relished at the thought of eating something from germany. Now whether the meat and produce was from germany i dont know, but it tasted good nonetheless.

What I came to realise was how multicultural australia has become. Despite Pauline Hanson's best efforts, i would have to think australia would have to be one of the MOST multicultural countries in the world! Now i come from a place "considered" to be pro-multicultural, but i think aust. has it all over Singapore.

Now back to the foodcourt..... we had old aussie ladies having asian combination, indian ppl having a kebab, italian ppl having curry, me having bavarian..... At school, i remember when i used to bring my noodles or rice for lunch, and i got the piss taken out of me big time. But then, vegemite sandwiches didnt really appeal to me! Now, it's probably passe, and i reckon my mum would have to be one of the pioneers of using the 'ol thermos flask for storing piping hot noodles which was my lunch! :)

I reckon what migrants have done for this country is phenomenal, such a grand multicultural society is the best gift Australia has ever recieved and given at the same time.

1 comment:

Miss Tsang said...

that is soo true - australia is pretty multicultral hey! :)