Monday 1 November 2004

It's Official

Yes, I'm officially going backpacking in Jan 05.

I booked and paid for my tickets on the wkend, after 1 night of planning. Compared to the last trip i made to europe 2 yrs ago, there was little to no planning to this one. Maybe coz i've been b4, i've come to realise that too much planning doesnt do much. So basically my travel partner& I just sat down one night, chat about it, surfed the net a bit, and the next day went to book and purchase the tickets. So on the 17th Jan 2005, I am off to London to begin what i believe to be a great adventure.

I'll be doing central and eastern europe this time, as i did western europe last time. We'll be gone about 9 wks in total, maybe more, depending how the money and attitude situation is at the time. I'm actually quite excited about it.

And the money situation is tight. I've spent more in preparation to this trip than i did the last one!! I guess i sorta learnt from last time what to and not to bring, and coz i've been working, i've got a bit more to spend. But with that comes the "OVER-buying".

Basically, i know what i need to survive an european winter. Because of the ability to purchase more gear, i've gone on a bit of a shopping spree to get the best and coolest stuff for travelling. And for those that have travelled, u all know how damn expensive travel gear from those outdoor stores are!!

Oh well, as long as it helps make my trip all that more comfortable and enjoyable, i guess its worth the extra moolah......

1 comment:

BackTrak said...

U shouldnt feel too bad.... You've got one up on me, since u guys went to canada last yr! :) I'm just trying to keep up! :)