Sunday 11 December 2005

Blessed union

It takes a bit for me to be inspired to blog nowadays. And the weekend has been inspiration enough. I've had the honor to witness the union of a true mate with his partner for life.

It seems as though I've had weddings coming out of my ears of late, but this one i truly have been looking forward to for a long time. (not as long as the groom has, of course!) It was a day of great celebration, and i havent met a more relaxed groom ever! The day started off with a bit of tenpin bowling, then the wedding ceremony, all the way to the reception! Whatever the case, to be able to go tenpin bowling on the day of your wedding, that's truly stress free!

As usual, the bride steals the show, but that's ok. The whole day seemed to pass by smoothly, even the weather held up for us. But to top it off, just when you thought it was safe to hit the road and go off home, Seabs had to get his car bogged. So we hung around for what seemed like awhile trying to un-bog the mighty ute. In the end, all methods failed bar the most crude one.... Just lift the bloody car, we've got enough blokes here! So all in all, a memorable day and night. :)

But all i really have to say is, "Ron and Sara, congrats on this great union, and my best wishes and prayers are always with yous for the rest of your lives." :)

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