Wednesday, 8 September 2004

Picture This

I consider myself a very "visual" person. During conversations, in order to understand what the other person is saying, i tend to visualize during the conversation. Or in exams, i picture the page of notes which has the info relevant to answering the exam questions. Basically, in all that i do, i like to have a mental picture of whatever i am doing.

Take for example radio personalities. In the car, at work or at home, u hear their voices all the time, but have u ever stopped and wondered what they look like? I know when i 1st saw a pic of Adam and Wil, they were totally not what i expected.

Whilst out tonight, i met the person who reads the news on a popular radio station in the mornings, and it wasnt until she told me and i listened carefully to her while she talked i realised its the same person!! Nice girl & attractive too. ;) Now i have a face to put to the voice on the radio in the morning!! (yay) I guess in the end, they're just normal ppl like me......

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