Wednesday, 15 September 2004

Little inconveniences

This will sound really bad, but i'm sitting on the sofa writing this and i need to check something on my mobile. The problem is, its on a shelf about 3 metres away from me. I cant be bothered putting my computer down, standing up, walking 2.5 metres, reach out and grab my phone, step back, sit again, and set my computer back on my lap.

It's times like these I wish I had FORCE powers. Then like Obi-Wan, i can just reach out and telepathically transport my phone to me. I think that would be the most awesome power to have. Imagine when u r vying for the remote with another member of the household! The jedi mind trick would be handy in nightclubs too...... ;)

While i'm on the subject of superpowers, the only other thing i would really like is xray vision. The only reason why i say this is coz today at work, i could've really done with it. I would've been able to finish work a lot faster, rather than taking an xray, and having to wait for it to get developed, b4 i can even START working on the person!

Sigh, such are life's little inconveniences. :p

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