Saturday, 7 August 2004


While i am trying to suss how to properly set this up, i might as well give an update as to wots been goin down. I know i havent been in touch with many of yous, but there has been a reason for that.

Since about Feb this year, i've been having a few back problems. Initially it felt like i was just pulling up sore from basketball every sunday, which is pretty normal i thought. Then one day, this soreness didnt go away, hung around and hung around until recently. It actually worsened since then, where i moved from semi-mobile to totally immobile and in a fair bit of pain. Actually, i can break out of my macho man shell and say its the worst pain i've ever experienced. I've sprained, twisted, and broken things, but nothing beats this.

So 4 mths of going in and out of doctors' surgeries, CT scan places and finally a neurosurgeon, i was finally diagnosed with a prolapsed disc in my spine that will not heal itself. (well duh.) Surgery was not the only solution, but with the amt of pain i've been thru, i just wanted it fixed.

So its 3 wks since the surgery, and boy do i feel great. Far from 100%, but much better. I can actually sleep without pain and do my number 1's and 2's in peace. I still find myself doing things i shouldnt, but its hard when i feels so good! I've been advised a 6wk recovery period, where i am supposed to do no physical activity and just lie on my back till i am fully healed.

Hence u can see my source of boredom. I am stuck for 6 wks, and not supposed to lift a finger. I've since been reaquainted with this thing called the internet, and reading blogs, so why not start one too! I guess one may say i would've had plenty of time to think, so let the thoughts flow! Also, it would be a good way of journaling my upcoming trip to europe in jan 2005!

I still cant drive too far, run or do much at all. Am starting to go out for short periods, but i can see the end of the road now, and it looks all clear from here................... :)

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