Wednesday, 25 August 2004

Looking Forward

We started talkin seriously about our forthcoming trip to europe the other day for the 1st time since we decided to go. We'd put off planning it for awhile mainly coz of my bad back, where i havent been in the mood to plan stuff plus i didnt know if i would be able to go anyway. But all that's behind us now, and we are definitely hitting Euro in 2005!

I'll admit i got pretty excited in the beginning when we were on the net, looking up places to stay and types of train tickets, etc. All the photos of places looked great, and even brought up great memories of my previous trip 2 yrs ago. Then when it came to the nitty gritty bit of getting info, it started to become a chore. Surfing thru a multitude of webpage after webpage to find the best prices, most convenient times, etc started to put me off. It got to a stage where i felt like stopping and just rocking up in the middle of Poland and going from there. Being the person i am, i cannot do that, its my curse.... there has to be SOME planning. i feel like saying, "it'll be right!" and just head over without any planning or structure.

The Purists out there will say just get a ticket over there and let it go from there. I somewhat agree, but i like some degree of security of at least a bed for the 1st night i'm in a foreign country. After that, once settled and we got our bearings, i'm happy to "go with the flow". I forgot just how much work there is to be done b4 leaving, and how much work I did have to do b4 my previous european trip. Thank goodness i've still got a few mths to get my act together.

Even thinkin about it now is getting me amped.... :)

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