Friday, 1 June 2007

How big can Dinosaur stool get!?

I heard about this place on the news the other day....,23599,21801624-2,00.html

A museum based on the first book of the bible, Genesis. A place where exhibits are based on Creation, not evolution. The history of the world according to God. Shows how God's works and creations have developed over the years.

And as usual, just coz it's got to do with "religion", there has to be some controversy.

Groups are protesting against the museum's opening. WTF!? There are evolutionists claiming it's wrong as it will 'confuse' kids when they go to school. One thing that really pisses me off are these groups out there condemning one thing, and thinking their own farts dont stink.

These so called "scientists" say that evolution is science and hence is taught at school and hence a museum like this confuses kids.... where do they get off on this idea? Have they forgotten that evolution comes from one man's THEORY, which struggles to be backed up with HARD facts anyway.

On the otherhand, Creation is supported by no man's theories, but by GOD himself. I've had to study evolution in uni, and its the biggest load of dinosaur stool i've had to learn. Part of my life i will never get back.....

You dont see Christians banging down the door of London's Natural History Museum, claiming that their exhibits of dinosaurs are heresy. So just coz Christians want a chance to display their views, why the heck are they being torn apart here?

All i have to say is, Fair go. Christians dont hound these so called 'scientists' on the crap they claim to teach to the world, so why cant they show the same RESPECT & courtesy and go find a shovel and keep diggin around for whatever it is next they need to make up their next evolutionary theory....