Friday, 11 August 2006


I'm looking around for a new notebook computer. I've been looking, but i'm getting all the more confused and overwhelmed with the great variety in notebook computers these days. I know what i want......

- small and lightweight (but not super small or those ultra-portable ones)
- powerful and fast (i do a lot of photo imaging stuff)
- that super bright screen thingy (and i'm thinking nothing smaller than a 15.4" screen)
- long battery life

But i'm confused by all the new processors out at the moment and this and that. Dunno which is a good one. Does anyone know what the "top" one is at the moment, as a benchmark, so i have something to compare models to? :p

Thursday, 3 August 2006


A couple of weeks ago, i was dragged kickin and screamin all the way to sydney for some conference i didnt really want to go to. When i first registered to go in January, i thought, "might as well, there's nothing better to do!" But when time came, i really couldnt be bothered. Not only that, but it coincided with a trip to Kenya my church was doing, which i really DID want to go on! But coz i had already paid and registered and all that, i couldnt really pull out. Hence i was really bummed and pissed that i had to go, and rocked up to the sydney ICMDA conference not in the best frame of mind.

Little did i know that it was to be the best thing i have done thus far in 2006.

The International Christian Medical & Dental Association World Congress in Sydney was a gathering of medical and dental people from around the WORLD. I held ZERO expectations upon arrival, and boy was i glad that was the case. The presence of hundreds of people in the healthcare industry with a massive passion for our God and how the two go hand in hand..... i dont think it's possible to describe it.

How does one describe one's "feeling" literally? I know i cant. I felt so spiritually uplifted, it was higher than any drug i've been on. Now i begin to understand what the day of Pentecost may have felt like. Meeting members of all nations in one place was overwhelming. Rubbing shoulders with fellow doctors/dentists from the congo, korea, zimbabwe, norway, usa, germany, holland, brazil..... the list goes on, was so surreal.

The greatest gift i recieved from this time were the many lessons recieved, both personally and professionally. Lessons gratefully accepted and forever remembered and treasured for the rest of my life.