LIfe goes on...
Wow. Didnt realise it's been so long since my last post. Obviously i havent been missed, coz noone's made any comment :) I guess quite a bit has happened in the time in my last post, but where do i start? I'll try lists, since i just love lists......
- finished my housesitting gig
- moved into my own place (still settling in)
- work's getting into a routine
- really relishing working in kids ministry
- got my 1st real compliment from a parent of one of the kids i teach
- loving the job i have as it allows me to stay up all nite to watch the world cup!
- spiritual life has been a real rollercoaster
- always knew, but never really wanted to believe that females are soooooo damn complicated. i give up.....
- Been real lazy of late, havent been cooking or eating well.
- i miss travelling. REAL bad.
It's funny. I know there's heaps that have been going on, but yet i sit here stuck on what to write.... sigh.
I'll try to post some photos up soon......... pictures say a thousand words, right?