Wednesday, 1 February 2006

High Drama

I was at the post office on Monday, handing in my application for the government's new "Working With Children" card. Now it's a pretty sad state of affairs when it is required to register adults working with children because of all the sickos around, but that's another matter.....

Anyway, i thought it'd be a 5 minute job, in and out, maybe with a quick snapshot for the card.... But no, it took about an hour! How so u may ask? I guess when u take into account lining up, and all that, it could take awhile. But not an hour surely!?

Well it takes that long when u have to fill out the forms MORE than once. I'm not an idiot (i think) but apparantly there are such strict regulations on HOW to fill out the stupid form. And it aint short either. And i had to redo it THREE times! And have to goto my employer to get her to sign in THREE times. Can u see how it took an hour?

First time: "nup. Sorry. It's blue. You HAVE to use BLACK pen"
Second time: "nope, you signed OUTSIDE the box. Yup, even if it's 0.5 mm outside the box, u have to do it again"
Third time: "ok "

And u should've seen the drama it kicked up in the post office, as the lady showed various staff and superiors in the post office to confirm that i had to redo it again. The all stared at it for minutes, shaking their heads in disapproval, shocked at my discrepancy. Seriously ladies, it's only a bloody form with half a millimetre of my signature hanging out of the box, it's not exactly a terrorist bomb. Some people need a chill pill.........