Thursday, 15 December 2005

Tis the Festive Season

I am officially on holidays as of NOW! After having a marathon session at work, (and an equally marathon of a phone conversation, to which i found out ppl still read this blog...) I can now rest easy and look forward to days of pleasure. But looking at my diary, i dont have a lot of time to rest easy for some reason! What kind of holiday is this!? But its good busy, and the sort of busy that is in preparation to the ultimate relaxation period.

But this is indeed the most festive season i've had in awhile........

1) Friday, catching the ferry to Rotto, where our work xmas party is at. A great day of sun (we hope!) and fun!
2) Saturday, got dinner with the impact leadership crew!
3) Sunday, well, it's sunday.
4) Monday; pick my couz up from the airport (7am in the bloody morning!) and do food shopping for the week ahead.
5) the REST of the week; DUNSBOROUGH!

Yes, next week, i've got the week in Dunsborough, and opportunity to really kick back and relax. I've got so many good memories of that place, even though i havent been there in 6 yrs. We've got an awesome crew heading down there, and found a sweet house to shack up in.

I can picture this time of great fellowship and a truly revitalising time away. Plenty of eating and drinking will be done, true to the festive spirit.

Let the festivities BEGIN!

Monday, 12 December 2005

Sad news.

I know whenever something major on the news occurs, a lot of people blog about the same issue. I'm sorry to say that i will be doing no different, but this is a topic that strikes close to my heart. Sometimes i think its better not to watch all the news reports about the racist riots in sydney, and just turn a blind eye.

But would it be better to ignore it and believe that the "majority" arent like that and that majority rules? I totally agree that racists in Australia exist, but they are the minority. I have not experienced racism in a long time, not since i was in school. But what really gets to me is how the politicians are trying to "sweep this under the carpet" and blame it on alcohol abuse.

I watched an interview with the lord mayor of Cronulla, and all he kept saying was "too much alcohol" and "lets move forward from this". Yes we have to move forward, but u cant just IGNORE what has just happened!!!!!!!!!! Prime Minister Howard is in denial if he thinks there is no racism involved. Yes it's a law and order problem, it's bloody racial villification, so it IS against the law! But for fuck's sake, can he not see it for what it is!?

Politicians piss me off for ONE reason. Their need to weasel their way around questions or issues, until they can get their lackeys to write them a proper statement. It's great that Howard doesnt condone what has just happened, but dont think that letting these ppl just "cool off" and sober up will cure the situation. The underlying problem is still there. Alcohol and a minority of shitstirrers just magnified it. These so called "leaders" are promoting the act of sweeping it under the carpet and hope no one noticed.

I'm so glad that this has made international news, and i really hope this does damage australia's reputation. Howard needs to realise that he needs to fix his own backyard up before he plays with the big boys in Asia. He wants australia to be part of asia, but if it gives off the impression that they're not wanted, what hope has he got?? Also, this might be the spur for the community of Australia to bind together and really fight against this wrongful reputation. Australia is a beautiful country with great ppl of all cultural backgrounds. But there are too many fence sitters led by a person lacking testicles suffering from shortman syndrome.

Personally, i feel the police have done the best they could and good on them. I just hope the governments dont let them down and follow this up and finish it off. Sometimes i think the best punishment would be humilation rather than jail. Why not publish EVERY one of their faces in every newspaper and news show to reveal these cowards for who they are. There's so much video footage of the riots, why not freeze frame as many ppl as u can, identify them and publish their name and picture in the "riot roll call of shame"?

May Justice prevail.

Sunday, 11 December 2005

Blessed union

It takes a bit for me to be inspired to blog nowadays. And the weekend has been inspiration enough. I've had the honor to witness the union of a true mate with his partner for life.

It seems as though I've had weddings coming out of my ears of late, but this one i truly have been looking forward to for a long time. (not as long as the groom has, of course!) It was a day of great celebration, and i havent met a more relaxed groom ever! The day started off with a bit of tenpin bowling, then the wedding ceremony, all the way to the reception! Whatever the case, to be able to go tenpin bowling on the day of your wedding, that's truly stress free!

As usual, the bride steals the show, but that's ok. The whole day seemed to pass by smoothly, even the weather held up for us. But to top it off, just when you thought it was safe to hit the road and go off home, Seabs had to get his car bogged. So we hung around for what seemed like awhile trying to un-bog the mighty ute. In the end, all methods failed bar the most crude one.... Just lift the bloody car, we've got enough blokes here! So all in all, a memorable day and night. :)

But all i really have to say is, "Ron and Sara, congrats on this great union, and my best wishes and prayers are always with yous for the rest of your lives." :)

Thursday, 1 December 2005

What the bucks!?

For those still interested...........

Yes, i'm still alive. Not only that, but also kickin....... i've found a new lease on life that has allowed me to keep kickin. It's amazing the difference it makes when you have a job and workplace you actually WANT to be there for. Where you wake up in the morning and WANT to goto work and do GOOD work too. Needless to say, my new job is going great, i'm enjoying it thoroughly and hope it will continue to be as great as it is now.

Another thing that has been happening lately are weddings. They seem to be popping up EVERYWHERE. I just went to one last week, got one next week, and another one in the 1st week of jan. Not to mention the ones friends have to goto as well. People are getting hitched all over the place. And the timing aint so great, i mean, some ppl have xmas to budget for as well!!

And with weddings, buck's nights preceeds them. Well in my case, buck's day. It all started well with a barbie with the fellas and a few drinks shared, until the fun and games started. I've never been to a buck's do quite like this one. And to put it bluntly, if i had to go thru this, i'd rather not get married. That's how bad it was. What is the reason for a buck's night anyway!!?? It's bloody mindless and useless if u ask me.

The poor groom was basically humilliated and degraded in a public place in acts i consider barbaric. I dont see the fun in it or the point of it. Cracking eggs and smothering used nappies on someone............ WHY? And that wasnt the worst of it. Would a stripper been better? I dont know, but i think both are as bad as each other. The main take home message is, i aint having no buck's nite, that's for sure!