Wednesday, 13 July 2005

Madagascar: NOT the movie.

Well, I think this will be my last post for awhile, not that i've been posting much anyway..... The time between my last post and now has been pretty hectic, i dare say its been one of the craziest periods of my life so far.

That's a big call, whenever u r comparing it to all the other events in your LIFE. But i think its right up there. This is mainly coz work has been crazy, so that's the entire day taken up. On top of that, i still have my daily commitments at nights, which really leaves only monday nite free for me. But now, i've started playing basketball on monday nites, so i dont think i've got a spare weeknite anymore......... i think i'm gonna hafta reassess my commitments. I dont think i'm burning out, but i probably could if i'm not careful.

I'm leaving for Africa on friday night, which is the other reason why i havent been blogging much or will be for the next few weeks. Preparation for the trip has been mad as well, especially when things have been quite disorganised. So the last few days leading up to our departure, there's been a mad dash to get things done.

For those that dont know, i'll be heading on my 1st mission trip ever, to africa, namely; Mauritius & Madagascar. We'll be going there to teach the existing church pastors and leadership groups there, which to me is one of the most challenging things i have ever done. I mean its one thing advising a graduate at work, but teaching the bible to pastors!? ME!?

I'll be honest and say that i had my doubts leading up to our departure. I mean, i've never had any teaching/lecturing experience in my life, let alone any theological training. But this week has been good, it's made me realise that God can work thru me, and its amazing the amt of stuff i'm taking in just before my departure. I just wish i had started a LOT earlier......

Feel free to drop me an email whilst i'm away, it'll be nice to hear from ppl!!! (If i can find internet access over there!)