On Holidays....
I started my holidays on thurs, and its been a pretty full on weekend..... I dont think i've been out this much since my early uni days, where an 18 yr old's energy levels are unsurmountable. But i sit here now, after a sunday sesh and bumming around a dead Heat Nightclub, pretty exhausted.
I think back to my early uni days..... how on earth did i ever manage to go out as much as i did? Nowadays, i go out once a wkend, and that's enough! Nicole summed it up nicely tonite,"We're getting old."
One may ask, why the sudden need to go out so much this wkend? Trying to relive one's youth? Trying to feel young again by hanging out in these places? Just wanna have a good time? Too much time and money on your hands? (the last one definitely does NOT apply.)
I'm leaving for Europe 2mrw.... well actually today. I leave this afternoon for london, where i'll commence my European adventure for the next 3 mths. I'll be back in April, but until then, i wont be updating this blog anymore, till i return.
For those who know me and wish to recieve email updates, drop me an email and i'll put u on my list. I pretty much have everyone, but if u think i dont have it, give it to me anyway.
Au revoir everyone, and Bon Voyage to me! :)